Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting Close!!!!

Well yesterday was my 37 week (actually, 37.5 week) appointment with the doctor, and Nick and I were hoping that they would do an ultrasound so we could see Emma again. I figured they would becasue I don't think I have really changed in size or anything in the last week. However, we got in there and I was measuring at 38 weeks, a little ahead of where I am, so they didn't go ahead and do an ultrasound. Doctor said that the baby must have had a growth spurt :) We were both kind of dissappointed that they didn't do an ultrasound, but are also glad that she's growing and measuring where she should :)

However, not getting to see Emma on ultrasound was made up by the fact of what the doctor said about the progress I and the baby are making. The doctor did her usual exam and said that I am almost 2 cm dilated, 90% effaced, and that she could feel the baby's head!!!!! I couldn't believe it and she said that she didn't know if we would make it to our next appointment next Wednesday :) Yesterday I had a lot of BH contractions but nothing "real". Nick is saying that I'll go into labor this weekend and I'm betting on the middle of next week :) So today I went to the mall and walked around for an hour or so, hoping to get some contractions started, but all I got were BH. I know that she'll come when she's ready, but we're so excited to meet her! Been having some back pain lately and so we'll see if anything happens today, although I doubt it! Will blog when there's any news to tell :) Keep your fingers crossed that things get going soon for us and that Nick is home with me when they do!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Little Baby???

Well today we had out 36 week (actually, 36.5 week) doctor's appointment. Last week I was measuring a week small (measuring 34 cm and should have been 35) which is no big deal because those things can fluctuate a bit. However, today I was still measuring at 34 and the doctor didn't seem too concerned, but said that if I'm still measuring small next week she may have me go for an ultrasounds to make sure everything's okay. She and i both seem to think that Emma has "dropped" and is hiding behind the pelvis which is preventing Dr. Sullivan from getting an accurate measurement. I would love to have another ultrasound so we could see her again, however, I would hate for it to reveal that she's not growing as much as she should!

On the upside, I am now 75% effaced and still 1 cm dilated, so there is still some progress being made :) I just hope that Emma's growing like she should and that they don't have to induce me or anything! Will let you know when I know anymore or have any other news!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Out of the Loop

I have a feeling that Nick is feeling left out of this whole pregnancy thing. Yesterday he commented how he was ready for things to be back to normal and for us not to have anything big going on in our lives...just regular living :) So today I asked him if he was feeling left out, and just by his response of "Why do you ask?" I could tell that he is, even though he insisted otherwise. I hope I haven't contributed to any of this and have been trying to talk less about the pregnancy and stuff, and am trying to find ways to make him feel more included. For instance, today I asked him if he would want to pick out Emma's coming-home outfit and he seemed excited to do so, so that's good :)

So, if anyone has any suggestions as to how to make him feel more included please don't hesistate to tell me!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

On Our Way :)

Well today I had my 35 week appointment at the doctor's office and when she did the cervical check she said that I am 1 centimeter dilated and 50% effaced (meaning my cervix is halfway to being completely thinned out which it needs to be for delivery). Not sure how long I have been at this stage, but it's kind of exciting to think that my body is really preparing for Emma now :)

I noticed this weekend I was having more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions and I think I remember reading something about how BH contractions can help get the process moving, so maybe that's what did it :) Anyhow, I have another appointment (I'm on weekly appointments now) next Monday, so we'll see if I have made any further progress then!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Preparing for Emma!!!

Belly Love :)

We are closing in on the 35 week mark of our pregnancy and I can't believe how quickly everything has gone! I remember when we first went to the doctor back in January we asked when we could find out the sex of the baby and they replied "April." We never thought that it would get here, but April has come and gone and now it's nearing the middle of July! Nick and I have really been enjoying our Prepared Childbirth classes at the hospital and I feel like we're getting nearer to being prepared :)

This past week at our class we got to take a tour of the new birthing center at the hospital and were given the chance to see the Labor and Delivery rooms, and then the Recovery rooms. I found out that after I have Emma they will keep us for 2 days (for a normal delivery) or 3 days (for a cesarian). I was under the impression that we would only stay one day after her birth, but was relieved to find out that this isn't the case. I'm sure we'll be antsy to get home after those few days are over, but am glad we will have anyone we may need at our beck and call for a few days to help us gain a little confidence and to ask any of our questions to!

Tonight after Nick gets off work we're going back to Grand Island so we can go to Grover Cleveland Days in Saint Paul (car show, crafts, food, etc) on Saturday. This time last week Nick wasn't wanting to go back because he was upset about not getting the job and didn't want to be asked about it, however, he changed his mind because his Dad asked if we were coming back and he hated to say no :) Plus we figured that this will probably be out last time back there before Emma comes because on the weekend of the 31st we are going back to MO for Kati's baby shower, which will be cutting it close, so we decided we might as well go. Plus, we figure that after having her we probably won't go anywhere for a month or so, or until my bday get-together at Gma's in mid-September. Hopefully the weather cooperates this weekend and we don't roast at this thing tomorrow :) Well, I had better get some lunch so I will update you Monday after our doctor's appointment where they are going to begin checking me for dilation! Yikes! Later :)