Wednesday, June 24, 2015


My Little Miss Olivia,

How in the world are you already two years old?!?!  In the past year your little personality has really blossomed, and you're a spunky, loud, and generally even-tempered little girl.  It's amazing how different you are from Emma, yet how similar you can be at times!  For example, you are usually really laid back, but if something doesn't go "just right", then you can totally come unglued!  Like the other night...There was a baby in a bag of mine that you were trying to get out, and when you couldn't, you ran with the bag, screaming into the kitchen, throwing a fit because the babydoll's leg was stuck in the strap of the bag.  It is almost comical at times!

Some of your favorite things to do right now are:
Looking at/Reading books.  I think you would do this all of the time if we let you!

Playing with baby dolls.  This is one that really has been a favorite for a long time :)

Bath time, until it is time to wash/wet your hair!

OUTSIDE!!!!!!  I think we could put your crib outside and let you live out there!

Grandma's and Grandpa's.  I can't even begin to describe how excited you get when you see them!

Deer Hunting Shows.  We love watching you squeal with delight whenever Nick puts in a hunting show and you just go NUTS when you see a deer!!!!

Some things you are not so fond of:
Lawnmowers/Weedeaters.  Any time we fire either up while you're outside, you immediately grab the parent's legs who isn't using the lawn machine!  I think it's the noise.

Bedtime.  Lately you are having a tough time when it's time to wind down and hit the hay.

Brushing/Flossing your teeth.  If a stranger were to come to our door while we were doing your oral hygiene they might think we were beating you by the sounds of your screams.

Giving hugs and kisses.  I ask every day for a hug or kiss, and almost every time you will politely decline with a "No, Mommy."  I think I have gotten 2 kisses in the 2 years you have been with us!

We are so in love with you, our little Goober!!!!  Even though this is a few weeks late, I want you to know that it's not because we love you any less than Emma, it's because we're all too busy having fun together and making memories :)  Happy Belated 2nd Birthday!

Love Always & Forever,
