My 2006 Toyota Camry!!!
So now to be totally unoriginal.......I found this questionnairre on another blog and thought it would be fun to fill out myself and reflect upon 2008 :)
Where did you begin 2008?----With my friend Martha at Melinda Morrow's apartment in Maryville playing games and chatting.
What was your status by Valentine's Day?----Single and sad about it.....I could hear my biological clock ticking :P
Did you have to go to the hospital? have a bump on my chest/breast checked out (turned out to be a bilateral cervical rib)
Did you have any encounters with the police?----Not one..........ask my brother about his speeding ticket thought ;)
Where did you go on vacation?----Took our last family vacation to Florida and Disney World :) Nick and I went to Adventureland around Des Moines as well.
Do you know anybody who got married?----Several cousins including Sarah Hamilton, and my friend Mark Henderson.
What sporting events did you attend?----None.....I am not really a sports fan.....hopefully next year I can say I have been to a Husker's game, though :)
Where do you live now?----Still living at home in Maysville, but that's okay with me. However, I also call Omaha, Ne, home now and will be moving there within the next few months!
Describe your birthday?----I don't celebrate my birthday on my actual birthday because we enjoy doing stuff outside, so we celebrated it at the beginning of September. Nick came down to spend the weekend and we all gathered out at Gma and Gpa's to celebrate my turning 23 and Lauren's turning 7. It was kind of rainy and so we weren't able to have the traditional bonfire...however Nick, Dad, Greg, and I shot our bows. I remember also that I was still hurting from having my wisdom teeth removed back in early July so that made it less enjoyable. Nick ended up asking Dad for permission to marry me that weekend, and then on the 19th of September Nick proposed!!!!!
What's the one thing you you thought you would never do but did in 2008?----Decided that I want to teach elementary Special Ed!
Any new additions to your family?----Two adorable kittens--Luna and Socks :)
Favorite Month?----It would either be April or September...I met Nick in April and we got engaged in September :)
Any regrets?----Thankfully none that come to mind!
What do you want to change in 2009?----I want to become more comfortable with the idea of living away from home and such. Right now the thought is very intimidating.....I am close to my family...
Overall how would you rate last year on a scale of 1 to 10?----I would have to say an 8 or 9....this year will be a 10 when I marry my best friend :)
Have any life changes in 2008?----Not really...but 2009 will definitely be the opposite!
Change your hairstyle?----I let my hair go back to it's natural state, which sure is a change for me!
Get a new job?----No, but I went back to an old one at Grand Paws Kennel which I absolultely loved!
How old did you turn? 23
Did anything embarrassing happen?----I'm sure it did.....sadly my memory is not what is once was (I think!)
Be honest--did you watch American Idol?----Nope.....only watched the very first season and then the auditions.
Start a new hobby?----Does planning a wedding count as a hobby???
Drank Starbucks in 2008?----Never tried it and never plan on it.
Are you happy to see 2008 go?----It was a wonderful year, but this year is going to be even better, so how can I be sad?
What school did you go to?----Missouri Western State University
What's something that you shouldn't have done, but enjoyed doing?----Not sure there is anything.......boy am I boring or what!!!???
Did you change much?----I'm sure I did, but it's not evident to me. I know I have made peace with myself and such, so I guess that's a big change...
Are you happy with who you have become?----Incredibly....I can only hope that I continue to evolve for the better.
Did you fall in love?----Sure did!
Did you kiss anyone?----I don't kiss and tell ;)
Did you go to any camps?----Haven't been to a camp for many years.
Did you see any movies at theatres?----At least three I can remember: Leatherheads, The Dark Knight, and Twilight.
What song were you hooked on?----The whole of the new album by Panic! at the Disco and "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz.
Did you go to the beach?----Daytona Beach, to be exact :)
Did you get really dressed up for anything?----My friend, Mark's, wedding.
What are some inside jokes for the year?----I never had any, but am sure I was the butt of some.
What is the funniest thing that happened?----Not sure if I would say it was funny, but I'm sure the family would......I fell down the staircase on Christmas Eve.
What is the saddest thing that happened?----Honestly, probably quitting work in December....I loved my job and the people there.
What is something that really made you smile?----Watching Lauren open gifts on Christmas Day and her being my shadow on Christmas Eve. I guess she told Wendy, her mom, later that she wished I were her big sister! Made my heart melt!!!!
What are your plans for New Years?----Nick and I stayed at a hotel downtown Omaha, watched fireworks, t.v., a movie, and swam!
Think back to the beginning of the year and now think of now....what's different?----I have this shiny rock on my left ring finger ;)
What's the same?----The love of my family, friends, and God.
How was your last winter?----We got more snow than I can ever remember, which resulted in many days spent inside and a bout with cabin fever ;)
Spring?----Wonderful.....I got to travel to London for a second time and really became amazing friends with my roomie (Kati Atchison).....and I also met Nick!
Summer?----The best I can remember....I worked, traveled between Maysville and Omaha almost weekly, went on vacation, fished, swam, etc.
Fall?----School was extremely hard this semester....probably the second toughest yet. On the other hand, Nick proposed and we began wedding planning, so that was a boost!
Was 2008 your best year?----It was so far :) I know that this year and subsequent years will be amazing as well!
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