Monday, May 4, 2009

Garage Saling, Graduation, Growing Up

Garage Saling:

This past weekend marked the beginning of "garage sale season" for Mom and I :) On the first Saturday in May several neighborhoods in Liberty have neighborhood-wide garage sales and we just love going to them! This year Mom and I were planning on leaving around 6:30 a.m. Saturday morning to head to Liberty; however, Greg and Wendy called Friday afternoon and were telling us they were garage saling and so I mentioned it to Mom and she decided that she wanted to be spontaneous (say what!!!???) and that she wanted to go down and garage sale that night and stay in a hotel and then garage sale more the next day! So we went down and in just the hour and a half that we garage saled that evening I found pretty much everything that I was looking for (vhs/dvd player combo, big dog pet taxi, books) which was great!

I just love getting to do this with Mom and we have decided that this is our "deer hunting" ;)

Graduation/Growing Up:

Five days from now I will officially be a college graduate!!!! EEEEEKKKKKKK :) I honestly never knew if this day would really come and couldn't be more ready for it. These past five years have really flown by and I have enjoyed my college career, but now am ready to move on and get other parts of my life started :) This section is double-titled because I believe that with Graduation comes the neccessity (sp?) to grow up, and although I am ready for graduation, I'm not sure that I'm ready to be a "grown up" :) I love my family and am kind of daunted by the thought of moving 3 hours away and not getting to see them everyday. However, I'm sure that after a few months I will adjust to it and know that I will love getting to be with Nick everyday :) (that's the bright side :) )

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