Monday, May 31, 2010
Prayers Please!!!!!!!!!!!
A) First and foremost I am asking for prayers for Nick and his job situation. He has an interview on Thursday and I can tell that he REALLLLLYYYYY wants this job more than any other he's ever interviewed for. He has been doing so much to prepare for it and working so hard to get ready that I just know he will be crushed if he isn't offered the position. His current job is going nowhere and his boss has no plans for his future. I have been praying for the last week or so for this interview to work out into a job offer and would seriously give anything for it to work out. He is happy in the other areas of our life, excepting his current job and it would mean sooooooo much to me for him to be happy there :)
B) Second, tomorrow I have to go for a 3-hour glucose test for gestation diabetes at the hospital. Last Monday I did the 1-hour test but sadly "failed" it with my blood sugar being 191 whereas the cutoff is 130. Therefore, tomorrow I have to go in and have my blood drawn right when I get there, then I have to drink some Glucola stuff, and after that I have to have my blood drawn every hour for three hours after drinking it to see if my body is breaking down the sugars properly. Now I know if I do have gestational diabetes that it really ins't a big deal. It would likely just mean a diet change and more exercise and that the baby's growth would have to be monitored more closely as the fetus of a woman with GD can get bigger than normal and could cause the woman to have to have a cesarian. I am just asking for your prayers for God to watch over mine and Emma's health thoughout the rest of the pregnancy whether or not I have GD.
So there you have it :) Hopefully next time I blog I have good news on at least one of these fronts!!!! Thanks for your prayers and thoughts!!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Something Better this Way Comes?????
In other news I went for my 28 week doctor's appointment today wwhere they did a glucose tolerance test to see if I have gestational diabetes. They said they would call later this week if the results weren't good, but otherwise I wouldn't hear from them, and if I don't have it then today was the last time I have to have my blood drawn which would be great! I now have to start going to the doctor every other week until I hit 36 weeks (I am 28 weeks right now) and then after that it goes to once a week. I can't believe I am getting so close :) Won't be long before we're holding our baby girl!!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Emma Rae's Nursery
It turned out really nice and now we just need a baby to put in there to complete it :) We have gotten really lucky and have found some great baby stuff we were needing at garage sales for almost nothing! Also, Mom and Mollie have sure helped out a lot with finding stuff for us such as clothes, a high chair, bassinett, and a pack and play playpen!
Other than working on her room and garage saling, there hasn't been much going on here besides work. I am planning (if everythings works out okay) stopping working around the first of July so I have six weeks at home to relax and just do some last minute stuff before Emma makes her arrival :) In a few weeks I'm going to talk to the HR woman at my job and see what my leave options are since I'm part-time. We're hoping that I can leave at the beginning of July, and then about a month and a half after having the baby, can get back on the schedule for one or 2 nights a week at work so that in case we find that we need the money the option is there. Not sure if that will be possible, but it doesn't hurt to talk to her about all of my options.
Think Nick and I are going to go on a date night tonight to see Robin Hood which looks really good! We're trying to do more stuff together lately because we know that this summer will go fast, and seeing as how it's the last one as just the two of us, we're planning on taking advantage of some couple's time :) Speaking of which, he will be home soon, so I think I had better get off the computer now! Will update the blogging world of anything new!