Monday, May 24, 2010

Something Better this Way Comes?????

Well this past week has been interesting in the job hunting world for Nick. He hadn't applied anywhere for a while because he hadn't found any opportunities that really appealed to him, however, a week or so ago he applied for a few positions, and has had 2 phone interviews so far and has another one tonight!!! I think of the three positions he would prefer the one tonight, so hopefully God will help guide us and give Nick an opportunity for a new and better job!!! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we could REALLY do with a job/employer change for him!

In other news I went for my 28 week doctor's appointment today wwhere they did a glucose tolerance test to see if I have gestational diabetes. They said they would call later this week if the results weren't good, but otherwise I wouldn't hear from them, and if I don't have it then today was the last time I have to have my blood drawn which would be great! I now have to start going to the doctor every other week until I hit 36 weeks (I am 28 weeks right now) and then after that it goes to once a week. I can't believe I am getting so close :) Won't be long before we're holding our baby girl!!!

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