Friday, October 1, 2010

Almost 2 Months!

Today Emma is 8 weeks old and she goes for her 2 month check-up and shots on this coming Wednesday. I'm not looking forward to it because I know a lot of babies are irritable afterwards, and Emma is already a fussy baby :( She is getting big, weighing in at 8 lb 10 oz a week ago! She has also begun to coo and make noises, other than grunting and crying :)

Right now I think she's going through a rough period (just hoping it's a rough patch anyways!). It seems like she is grumpy most of the time she's awake, and she hasn't been napping as well lately. On the upside, she's been sleeping for about 4-4 1/2 hours straight at night which has been a nice change! Looks like she's starting to wake up from her nap, so I'd better get a bottle ready for our little piggy :) More pictures to come next week!

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