From the time when I was 7 months pregnant up until now, I have been a member of a few "expecting moms" message boards here online. Well, just over the past few weeks there have been a number of babies who have passed away. One little boy was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 5 or 6 months old, and within a week of the diagnosis, he had passed away. Then there was a beautiful little girl who passed away just a few days ago, who was only 5 months old. The cause of her death is unknown and is being looked into. There, sadly, are other stories such as these, but it is these two little angels that my heart just breaks for. Everytime I read the blog that the little girl's parents are writing, I break down and cry. I just cannot imagine what they are going through, nor do I ever want to.
Sure, we have had some hard times with Emma's health issues, but boy do I feel like a jerk when I complain after reading Maddie's and Ben's stories :( I am a Christian and a firm believer that God has everything happen for a reason, but things like these seemingly senseless deaths really makes me wonder how such a compassionate God could do that to such innocent babies. I know we aren't meant to understand everything God does, but the deaths of innocents is completely incomprehensible to me. I am holding Emma a little tighter and longer now, being more patient, and just enjoying every little moment of hers, because if, God forbid, something should happen to her, I would want to have no regrets about how I spent my time with my sweetie pie.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Growing Like a Weed!!!
First off, here are a few more recent photos to sate your thirst :)
Goofy girl!
Trying baby food for the first time (carrots!)
Dad and his Raiders fans!
It seems like the length between my posts is getting longer and longer, not that there's anyone who actually reads them :) Emma just turned 6 months old about a week ago, and she has changed so much! She can now sit up unassisted for a few seconds at a time, and she's eating solids, which she loved! Thank goodness she's not picky, yet! About a week ago her first tooth finally came in! It's on of the bottom center ones, and I think the other one will be coming in soon! I would put a picture on here of her with her tooth, but any time she seems me coming at her mouth with my finger she clamps it shut!
There really is nothing new going on with us, other than Nick learned a few weeks ago that he's going to be losing his job in March which has us in a panic. He's applied at several places, even one in Saint Joe, and so we're keeping our fingers crossed that something (I prefer St. Joe!) works out for us. I am getting ready to interview with a video store in Omaha, so at least we might have a little money coming in if he gets laid off before getting another job. Prayers would be appreciated!
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