I think perhaps the noblest thing from this day was the courage that United Flight 93 showed, as they forced their plane to crash into a field in Pennsylvania rather than crashing into the White House. They knew that they were going to die either by the hands of a terrorist, or that they could sacrifice themselves and save some people who would be able to fight Al Quaeda (as we found out later was behind the attacks.) Nick and I were talking, wondering if we would be able to do the same thing given their situation, and sadly, I am not sure I could. I know that for everyone there is a time to die (as stated in the Bible), but to cause your own death is something I have a hard time grasping, and therefore, I see these people, along with the firefighters, as the true heroes of the day.
"God bless America. Land that I love! Stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with a light from above." Lord please guide our country through these troubled waters in which we sail, and bring us to a safe harbor soon. Keep those who lost their lives ten years ago today in your hands, and be with the innocent Muslim population who has received a bad rap from a few bad apples among them. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
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