Today really marks the first "real" snowfall we have had so far this winter. Sure, back in December we got a skiff, but it ways maybe 1 inch at tht most. Today we have probably gotten 5-6" so far, and could get up to a foot! I'm not quite sure if I'm ready for a foot of the white stuff, but I honestly don't mind the snow since we have been lucky thus far! Our neighbors that live across this street have a little girl who is probably 4 years old, and this morning they were outside playing in the snow and Emma was glued to the window! So, we decided that it was time for her to get to see what it was all about :)
At first she was pretty uncertain, and couldn't get a good enough footing to walk well, but after we moved her to the partially plowed street, she really began to enjoy it! She ran up and down the street a few times, kicket some snow, and then sat down in it and began to pitch a fit when I decided it was time to go inside and thaw out! All in all I think she loved it, but what did I expect from such an outdoorsy girl!?
Taking her out to play reminded me of the snow days Evo and I spent sledding down the big hill we had for a front yard, trying to make a snow fort, having snowball fights, and making ice cream from snow. However, the memory that stands out most vividly was when I was in either 5th or 6th grade. We had gotten quite a bit of very heavy, very wet snow, and it had been quite windy, so there was a huge drift in front of our house. Ethan and I crawled behind the drift (on the side facing the house), and we proceeded to scoop snow out, leaving a little cave inside for use to crawl into. I literally think we play outside for hours that day, despite Mom's efforts to coax us back in with hot chocolate...which eventually worked!
Thinking back about all of that really is bittersweet, because I remember having such a blast doing that, but know that I most likely won't be the one doing those kinds of things with Emma, but rather, a sibling would. Sure we will play outside and have all sorts of fun, but there are some things that Mom and Dad just aren't the right part for :P Anyhow, here are a few photos of our outdoor excursions today!
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