Thursday, June 13, 2013

Letters to My Children

So, I have decided to intermittently depart from the A-Z blogging challenge that I was embarking on to write "letters" to my daughters, the main purpose being to help me remember what they were doing when :)

Dear Emma and Olivia,

It's me, Mom.  This is my first letter to you in what I hope to be a series of letters.  Just a mere 12 days ago we went from being a family of 3 to a family of 4 with the addition of Olivia Dawn on June 1, 2013.  You decided that 1:35 a.m. was as good a time as any to let me know that you were on your way!  My labor and delivery was so quick:  only about 5.5 hours from the start of any contractions until you were here with us!  Your Dad almost missed you making your appearance as he was taking Emma down to be with Papa and Nenner Osborn! 

And Emma, you were such a trooper, being woken up at 2:00 a.m., rushed to the car and wisked away to a strange place with lots of stuff going on (the hospital.)  As the nurses were putting my IV in, you were asking "What you doing?" and having a hard time sitting still!  Daddy even had to take you to play with some toy trains down the hall, and let you run around to get some energy out! 

I have really enjoyed getting to know you, Olivia, and getting to watch you, Emma, become a wonderful big sister!  Emma, you are such a big helper for me and help to change Olivia's "little poopy diapers!"  You love to hug and kiss Olivia, and unceremoniously shove the pacifier back into her mouth, even when she's not crying for it!!!  You don't like it when Olivia cries, and the other day on the way home from daycare you were getting all teary-eyed when Olivia was crying and you didn't know what to do to help :)  And Olivia, you are such an easy-going little girl and don't mind your big sister poking your face or rubbing your head just a little roughly!  You are a good sleeper, and can be a pokey eater, but we don't mind because it gives us more opportunities for snuggling!  You like to sleep on Daddy's chest or in the crook of his shoulder, and you also love being swaddled at night.  You enjoy looking around when you're awake, and the three of us love to lay down on the floor with you! 

Your Daddy and I are so blessed to call you our children and we love you both more than anything!



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