Tuesday, August 24, 2021

My Wake-Up Call

It has been so long since I last wrote that I had forgotten my login creds!  I recently had a wake-up call in regards to my health, and this is my attempt to chronicle it.  I hope to be more consistent than I have been in the past, but make no promises :)  Also, fair warning, this could get lengthy as I like to be able to look back and have details, so if you make it to the end, I will be impressed!

I officially started on my journey to health a week ago on August 17th.  My starting weight was 193.4 lb, which is nearly the my heaviest weight ever (down a few pounds unbeknownst to me from May, so technically my heaviest is probably about 198.)  I found out a few years ago that my A1C was at a 5.9 and in the prediabetes range, but at that time, though I was discouraged, I didn’t feel the urgent need to get my act together.  About a week ago I went to the eye doctor, and the vision in my right eye had gone from a -1 script to a -.50, which means that my eye needed but half of the strength prescription from a year ago.  My eye doctor was concerned as she told me that at my age they wouldn’t expect my eyes to improve like that, and proceeded to ask me if I had had any health changes…any thyroid changes? Diabetes? Etc, and it got me thinking.

After reading up a bit on type 2 diabetes I became concerned that I had possibly progressed from prediabetes to full blown diabetes.  It had been almost 3 years from the last time my A1C was checked and it is typically thought that if a person has prediabetes that they will progress to type 2 within 5 years if they don’t make lifestyle changes, so I was understandably worried.  So on Friday the 20th I went to see my doctor for a physical and to get a full work up done.  I prayed and asked God to give me the opportunity to become a healthier mom and wife once more, without the diagnoses of diabetes.  I had known for a few years I was in the prediabetes level, but now I knew that I was ready and willing to make the lifestyle changes necessary if He would just give me the opportunity.  

When I woke up Saturday morning I saw that I had a new test result in my portal from the doctor, and you cannot imagine the relief I felt when I saw that my A1C was 5.8!  Yes, still in the prediabetic range, but better than three years ago by a tenth of a point.  God had answered my prayer and I was so thankful!  So, I began to research some groups on Facebook and found out about Trim Healthy Mama and saw that it is a sustainable way of eating and cooking for myself and my family, so I decided to give it a go.  As of today I have not had any soda in 5 days (not a long time, but when considering I was drinking upwards of 3 cans of Mtn. Dew per day, a pretty big deal for me!) and I have been eating healthier and more balanced meals for lunch, and healthier options at dinner and snacking.  

This past week I weighed myself daily and was thrilled to step on the scale this morning at 189.6.  I realized that this is mostly water weight and such that I am losing, but I am moving in the right direction and I don’t feel deprived or so restricted that I should not be successful.  So this afternoon I took the first round of photos of myself to compare against another set a month from now.  I chose a shirt and a dress that both fit snugly that I should be able to see results in as I continue on my path to health.  These pictures are hard to look at for me, and I’m trying to work up the courage to share them, but I’m not there yet.  I am embarrassed at how I have let myself go, and at the role model I have failed to be for my girls.  I don’t typically wear tight fitting clothing, for obvious reasons, and seeing myself looking 9 months pregnant in one of my favorite dresses was a wake up call.  As was the photo of my face with no visible definition from the side, and little from the front.  I believe it’s important to be kind to yourself and give yourself grace, but man, it’s hard when facing  the photos and the truth that I have not taken care of myself and hoping that I haven’t hurt my daughters in the process.

Today at lunch my youngest, 8, looked at my salad, grapes, and protein that I was having instead of sharing in the mac and cheese and hamburgers with them (not the healthiest, but I am working on changing their taste buds!), and she so innocently said, “Mom, I’m glad to see you eating healthy food.” Now if that’s not motivation to do my best everyday, then nothing is!  

Also, I have decided to put my scale away in our locked safe that way I’m not tempted to use it daily.  I’m shooting for twice a week, that way I can see if I am staying on track, and make corrections if needed :)  So, if you know me and see me out and about and I’m holding a pop or eating junk food (except for Tuesday, those are our dance/eat out nights! ) please remind me why I’m doing what I’m doing and encourage me to do better :)

A few pics so I can look back in a few months and see where I began and how things have changed.

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