Sunday, June 27, 2010

Feelings of Doubt

Nick had his final interview with the company on Friday and was optimistic at first. However, the more he thought about it and talked about it, the more pessimistic he became and has finally concluded that the company did not seem interested in him and that he will not get a job offer. They said that they will let him know probably Monday, Tuesday at the latest. I have tried to encourage him to think positively (easier said than done, I know!) but he remains woefully doubtful. Guess we will see tomorrow or Tuesday. I just can't tell you guys how much I hope he gets this position and how long and hard I have been praying about it. I'm afraid that if he doesn't then he will be more depressed than ever about his work situation and life in general, and maybe this sounds selfish, but I can only try so hard/long to build him back up because I sure don't need the stress right now of worrying about him while I'm 8 months pregnant. I would appreciate it if you would continue to say prayers that he's offered the position and that things turn out good for us for once :) Will let you know when he hears anything....

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