Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011

Tonight we bid farewell to 2011 and welcome 2012! This past year has been quite eventful for us! At the start of the year Nick was looking for work and we were worried that something wouldn't fall into place and that we would be without an income. After much looking and interviewing, he finally was offered a position with Oriental Trading Company and started his new job March 16th. In July Emma and I went to south Missouri with Mom, Dad and Ethan for vacation in Branson and Eureka Springs, Arkansas. On August 6th our baby girl turned a year old, and we had her party at our house!

In August I decided that I really needed to spend some time outside of the home and doing some adult activities, so I interviewed with Oriental Trading and was hired as a Customer Service Agent and trained to take orders and do other menial tasks. I started my job on August 29th. In September I turned 26, and in October Nick turned 31. I also began RCIA classes to convert to Catholocism. Emma was a Giraffe for Halloween, and we took her to the Amazing Pizza Maching where she got some candy and rode some rides :) We spend Thanksgiving with the Spotanski's in Grand Island, where Nick and I got a 40" Emerson TV on Black Friday!

December came and the 17th was my last day at my job with Oriental, as it was a seasonal position. We knew that there was the possibility of being called back for full time permanent employment, but both Nick and I were unsure if that was a path I wished to pursue. A few days after my last day of the job, they called back to offer me permanent employment, and I graciously declined so that I can stay home and spend more time with Emma, which we hope will result in her being happier! December 17th we also had our Christmas with the Spotanski's, and the following Wednesday I went back to Missouri so I could spend a little extra time with my family because i hadn't gotten to spend much time with them since I started working. Emma had a wonderful Christmas, as did the rest of us! I purchased a Sony Vaio laptop with my Christmas money (which I am still waiting on to arrive), and Nick bought a pistol with his :)

Now tonight, on New Year's Eve, Dad is here with us! We went to the zoo this afternoon, ordered a pizza for supper, and are now watching a movie called "Wrecked." 2011 was a pretty good year, all in all, and I have resolved not to make a resolution, but rather just to try and be a better wife and Mom in the year to come. Happy 2012 everyone!!!

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