Well Christmas is right around the corner and I can hardly wait! For the past week or two we have been decorating the house, and this year we have a new, white tree that we decorated with bright colored garland, lights, and ornaments! Emma really seems to like it, especially pulling all of the ornaments she can reach off of the tree :P I have gotten most of our shopping done, and really only need to do Dad's, Nick's, and Greg and Wendy's! On the 17th we are headed back to Grand Island for our Christmas with Nick's folks, which will be fun! Emma really likes playing with Jayden and Jordyn, and they keep her busy and entertained, so it works out good for all of us :)
Then, two weeks from today I'm heading back to Missouri to spend some extra time with everyone before Christmas since I haven't gotten to see them much since I started working. I think one day Ethan and I are going to go down to the city so I can see his new place and so we can go to a new store called H & M. It's a clothing store that is really good priced with really cool things, and I think the closest one other than the new one in KC is Chicago! Anyhow, I'm really looking forward to that, and I think everyone down there is too :) The 17th is supposed to be my last day of work, and I'm not sure if I will go back if called back at the beginning of the year. I kind of want to so that I don't feel stuck at home with Emma all day, but I know that she doesn't take both naps at daycare, which makes for a super grouchy kid in the evening, and one of the things we really don't want to listen to after a long day at work. All in all, I think both has their pros and cons, but I am leaning towards staying here with her. I think Nick and I are going to decide on that tonight because I have to talk to Emma's babysitter soon about what we are going to do.
Also, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Spotanski's! I will let the Thanksgiving and decoration pictures tell the rest :)

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