Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Crappy Cramps

Oh baby, has this baby been taking a toll on my back!  If I remember right, when I was pregnant with Emma I had hardly any back pain until the very end.  However, this one is starting early, as in, about the moment we found out we were expecting :P  In the past few weeks I changed rooms at work from the younger infant room (6 weeks-7 months) to the older infant room (8 months-1 year), and it has really helped my back pain tremendously!  Even though the babies are heavier, they are more mobile, i.e. don't need to be carried everywhere.  Lately, though, I have noticed some strange muscle spasms in my lower back when I over-do it.  They make my back really weak and make it hard for me to stand.  All I can say after a day like today is "Thank goodness for Tylenol!!!"

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