Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Oh how I am so ready to be done with these expensive things!  Emma is just over 2 1/2 and we haven't had any break throughs in potty training.  She sits on the potty every 2 hours at daycare, and we sit her on it about every 1 1/2 hours in the evening at home, but still nothing.  She has gone a few times, but that was a few months ago, and since then, nothing :(  She will sit on the toilet and sings songs with me (to keep her mind from telling her to jump off) and all sorts of other stuff, but she won't "go."  If she jumps down, I will put her back on and try another song as long as she's not getting upset, just to give it some more time, but we don't seem to be making any headway. 

I know a lot of people would say "My child was potty trained by the age of 2", and "Why don't you just take away pull-ups and go straight to underwear?"  but the fact is, my child is NOT potty trained yet, although she does like to sit on the toilet.  Also, with us both working full-time, just taking away pull-ups cold turkey doesn't seem to be the answer because it would be a lot of extra hassle and work for her daycare providers who already have 12 other kids in the room who they're trying to help along on this same road.  Now if I stayed at home with Emma, I would be more than happy to go that route, but seeing as I don't, I'm at a loss at what to do/try.  It's like she clinches up when she sits on the toilet ("shy kidneys", as I like to call it) and is afraid to let it happen.  I let her come into the bathroom with me every time she wants, and she's my little cheerleader, so I know that she associates using the potty as a good thing, but I just can't get it to happen.

So, I guess the point of this whole post is a cry for HELP!!!!!  I know that they say everyone learns at their own pace, but I really think she's ready, and just have no clue as to how to help it along.  Thanks in advance!

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