Thursday, August 1, 2013

Two Months!

Dearest Miss Olivia,

Where oh where have the past 2 months gone!  Already it is August, and already you are turning 2 months old.  It truly is hard for me to remember what is was like before you came, but all I know now is that life feels complete with you here.  We are still working to figure each other out, but I'm confident that we'll get there :)  These first two months have been terribly eventful, what with two hospital stays, one being for a whole week.  Let's just not make this a habit, alright, little lady?

Bath time is now one of your favorite times of day, and you are so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed during it!  Naps, on the other hand......well, let's just say that you're not a big fan because there's too much to see and do.  Plus, I'm still trying to figure out how long to let you stay up before putting you to sleep, so maybe you're a bit overtired???  You are still a sucky eater (no pun intended :) )  and some days you want to eat every 1.5-2 hours, but only about .5-1.5 ounces at a time, which equals one LOOOOOONNNNNGGGG day for both of us.  You had been napping between 45 minutes to 3 hours, but yesterday I don't think you napped more than 1.5 hours for the entire day, which led to a major meltdown that evening, followed by a 6:15 p.m. bedtime (and a tumultuous night.)  I am working on getting you to nap in your crib and not the swing or vibrating chair.  Yesterday you slept in it for 45 minutes, then woke yourself up crying.  So, right now you are passed out in the swing, and I'm planning on giving you your afternoon nap in the crib.

I am trying to prepare to start back to work on August 12th, which will be your first day at daycare also.  I have to be honest, I am looking forward to going back and getting into my old routine.  Not that I haven't appreciated and loved my special time with you, but I know that I will appreciate that time and those smiles even more when I start working.  Alright, so now some fun facts:

*You are DEFINITELY a morning girl, like your sister and your Papas.
*You have started "talking" to us, and love to be cooed back to, usually resulting in a sweet little smile :)
*Some cradle cap has begun to develop, but I'm trying to nip it in the bud with special cradle cap wash and using conditioner too.  It is a common misconception that this is caused by a lack of hygiene, however, it is due to a lack of normal scalp oils to keep the scalp hydrated, so DON'T JUDGE when you see a baby with it.
*Sometimes you wolf down your bottles, and other times I have to practically take your clothes off to keep you awake enough to eat even half.
*You are so very loved by everyone, and we wouldn't trade you for the world!

All my love,

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