Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Long Time Coming
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Newest Pictures
Friday, October 1, 2010
Almost 2 Months!
Right now I think she's going through a rough period (just hoping it's a rough patch anyways!). It seems like she is grumpy most of the time she's awake, and she hasn't been napping as well lately. On the upside, she's been sleeping for about 4-4 1/2 hours straight at night which has been a nice change! Looks like she's starting to wake up from her nap, so I'd better get a bottle ready for our little piggy :) More pictures to come next week!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Last 5 1/2 Weeks....
Monday, September 13, 2010
Long Time Coming
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Getting Close!!!!
However, not getting to see Emma on ultrasound was made up by the fact of what the doctor said about the progress I and the baby are making. The doctor did her usual exam and said that I am almost 2 cm dilated, 90% effaced, and that she could feel the baby's head!!!!! I couldn't believe it and she said that she didn't know if we would make it to our next appointment next Wednesday :) Yesterday I had a lot of BH contractions but nothing "real". Nick is saying that I'll go into labor this weekend and I'm betting on the middle of next week :) So today I went to the mall and walked around for an hour or so, hoping to get some contractions started, but all I got were BH. I know that she'll come when she's ready, but we're so excited to meet her! Been having some back pain lately and so we'll see if anything happens today, although I doubt it! Will blog when there's any news to tell :) Keep your fingers crossed that things get going soon for us and that Nick is home with me when they do!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Little Baby???
On the upside, I am now 75% effaced and still 1 cm dilated, so there is still some progress being made :) I just hope that Emma's growing like she should and that they don't have to induce me or anything! Will let you know when I know anymore or have any other news!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Out of the Loop
So, if anyone has any suggestions as to how to make him feel more included please don't hesistate to tell me!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
On Our Way :)
I noticed this weekend I was having more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions and I think I remember reading something about how BH contractions can help get the process moving, so maybe that's what did it :) Anyhow, I have another appointment (I'm on weekly appointments now) next Monday, so we'll see if I have made any further progress then!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Preparing for Emma!!!
We are closing in on the 35 week mark of our pregnancy and I can't believe how quickly everything has gone! I remember when we first went to the doctor back in January we asked when we could find out the sex of the baby and they replied "April." We never thought that it would get here, but April has come and gone and now it's nearing the middle of July! Nick and I have really been enjoying our Prepared Childbirth classes at the hospital and I feel like we're getting nearer to being prepared :)
This past week at our class we got to take a tour of the new birthing center at the hospital and were given the chance to see the Labor and Delivery rooms, and then the Recovery rooms. I found out that after I have Emma they will keep us for 2 days (for a normal delivery) or 3 days (for a cesarian). I was under the impression that we would only stay one day after her birth, but was relieved to find out that this isn't the case. I'm sure we'll be antsy to get home after those few days are over, but am glad we will have anyone we may need at our beck and call for a few days to help us gain a little confidence and to ask any of our questions to!
Tonight after Nick gets off work we're going back to Grand Island so we can go to Grover Cleveland Days in Saint Paul (car show, crafts, food, etc) on Saturday. This time last week Nick wasn't wanting to go back because he was upset about not getting the job and didn't want to be asked about it, however, he changed his mind because his Dad asked if we were coming back and he hated to say no :) Plus we figured that this will probably be out last time back there before Emma comes because on the weekend of the 31st we are going back to MO for Kati's baby shower, which will be cutting it close, so we decided we might as well go. Plus, we figure that after having her we probably won't go anywhere for a month or so, or until my bday get-together at Gma's in mid-September. Hopefully the weather cooperates this weekend and we don't roast at this thing tomorrow :) Well, I had better get some lunch so I will update you Monday after our doctor's appointment where they are going to begin checking me for dilation! Yikes! Later :)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
No Go
Monday, June 28, 2010
You don't know how much I want to see him happy, but I think I have yet to see him totally happy ever since we first met. He talks about how he doesn't care about his job and doesn't care if he gets fired (which I can understand to a point because they treat him like crap there), however, and I'm not saying this to try and make it about me, but when he says that it makes me feel like he doesn't care about me or Emma because if he were to get fired we would be screwed with no income, healthcare, etc. I have asked God soooo many times why Nick? Why can't he get a break? He's a good, honest hard worker who never is given a good break and I just don't understand God's reasoning behind this. I know that he has his reasons for why he does everything, and that we're not always meant to know this reasoning, but damn it I get mad when I see my husband just feeling more and more depressed and he can't seem to find happiness at all.
I can only continue to pray for God to help us out and to give Nick a chance in a new job role with a new company, because I think until he can get a job somewhere where his work is valued and he's compensated more for what he does, then he will continue to be depressed about life and I don't want that, especially since this should be one of the happiest times in our lives (married a year and getting ready to have our first baby). Please just pray for him and for God to hear our prayers. Feeling like we need a miracle right now.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Feelings of Doubt
Friday, June 25, 2010
Last Interview???
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Is This It?
Then the second big thing happening this week is another interview for Nick with the same company he's been interviewing with for a few weeks! The HR guy called Nick yesterday and was wondering if he would be available later this week for an interview with their board of directors if they wanted to interview him. Of course he said yes and so now he has an interview at 3:00 p.m!!!!! This will be his fourth interview including 2 phone interviews and so we're thinking that if he's the one they are going to pick for the job, he may find out Friday! We are trying not to get excited or think about it too much, but I have been praying every night that this would work out for us and that Nick could finally be given a break as it seems like nothing ever works out for him. So please keep your fingers crossed for us and I will let you know when we hear anything!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Phone Interview #2
So today at noon is when he has his phone interview, and I will let you know if anything significant comes of it :)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
No News Is.....???
So as of right now there is no news to report, and I'm wondering if the old addage "No news is good news" could hold true here because he's just waiting on that rejection letter in the mail, but as of right now there's not been one! We are just going to keep our figers crossed and keep praying that this works out!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
On His Way!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Results Are In....
Thanks for the prayers for my health! Now if only the job situation would work out for Nick I would be the happiest girl ever :)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Prayers Please!!!!!!!!!!!
A) First and foremost I am asking for prayers for Nick and his job situation. He has an interview on Thursday and I can tell that he REALLLLLYYYYY wants this job more than any other he's ever interviewed for. He has been doing so much to prepare for it and working so hard to get ready that I just know he will be crushed if he isn't offered the position. His current job is going nowhere and his boss has no plans for his future. I have been praying for the last week or so for this interview to work out into a job offer and would seriously give anything for it to work out. He is happy in the other areas of our life, excepting his current job and it would mean sooooooo much to me for him to be happy there :)
B) Second, tomorrow I have to go for a 3-hour glucose test for gestation diabetes at the hospital. Last Monday I did the 1-hour test but sadly "failed" it with my blood sugar being 191 whereas the cutoff is 130. Therefore, tomorrow I have to go in and have my blood drawn right when I get there, then I have to drink some Glucola stuff, and after that I have to have my blood drawn every hour for three hours after drinking it to see if my body is breaking down the sugars properly. Now I know if I do have gestational diabetes that it really ins't a big deal. It would likely just mean a diet change and more exercise and that the baby's growth would have to be monitored more closely as the fetus of a woman with GD can get bigger than normal and could cause the woman to have to have a cesarian. I am just asking for your prayers for God to watch over mine and Emma's health thoughout the rest of the pregnancy whether or not I have GD.
So there you have it :) Hopefully next time I blog I have good news on at least one of these fronts!!!! Thanks for your prayers and thoughts!!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Something Better this Way Comes?????
In other news I went for my 28 week doctor's appointment today wwhere they did a glucose tolerance test to see if I have gestational diabetes. They said they would call later this week if the results weren't good, but otherwise I wouldn't hear from them, and if I don't have it then today was the last time I have to have my blood drawn which would be great! I now have to start going to the doctor every other week until I hit 36 weeks (I am 28 weeks right now) and then after that it goes to once a week. I can't believe I am getting so close :) Won't be long before we're holding our baby girl!!!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Emma Rae's Nursery
It turned out really nice and now we just need a baby to put in there to complete it :) We have gotten really lucky and have found some great baby stuff we were needing at garage sales for almost nothing! Also, Mom and Mollie have sure helped out a lot with finding stuff for us such as clothes, a high chair, bassinett, and a pack and play playpen!
Other than working on her room and garage saling, there hasn't been much going on here besides work. I am planning (if everythings works out okay) stopping working around the first of July so I have six weeks at home to relax and just do some last minute stuff before Emma makes her arrival :) In a few weeks I'm going to talk to the HR woman at my job and see what my leave options are since I'm part-time. We're hoping that I can leave at the beginning of July, and then about a month and a half after having the baby, can get back on the schedule for one or 2 nights a week at work so that in case we find that we need the money the option is there. Not sure if that will be possible, but it doesn't hurt to talk to her about all of my options.
Think Nick and I are going to go on a date night tonight to see Robin Hood which looks really good! We're trying to do more stuff together lately because we know that this summer will go fast, and seeing as how it's the last one as just the two of us, we're planning on taking advantage of some couple's time :) Speaking of which, he will be home soon, so I think I had better get off the computer now! Will update the blogging world of anything new!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Family Vacation
The first day we arrived out there, after getting our rental car we took a short jaunt up to Fort McHenry in Hanover, MD, which is the fort where the Star Spangled Banner was flown. After that we made the trek to our hotel, which should have only taken an hour, but because of traffic, took about two.
We then proceeded to spend three full days in DC, during which time we saw almost all of the monuments/memorials, visited numerous museums, toured the Capitol, visited Ford's Theatre, and several other things that I can't even remember :) In between each day spent in DC we planned two day trips: one to Gettysburg and one to George Washington's home, Mount Vernon. Nick and I both said that Mount Vernon was probably the favorite thing we did as we got to tour the 8,000 acre farm/plantation, and we also took a cruise on the Potomac River where we saw Mount Vernon from the water as well as Fort Washington.
We were lucky enough to have great weather for the majority of the time we were on vacation. The only day that was a little dismal was the day we went to Gettysburg. It was pretty chilly and cloudy that day, but we still made the best of it and had a nice time :) The day we arrived out East it was around 85 degrees, as was the following day! I think our very last full day there was the best weather-wise because it was in the upper 60's, sunny, and the museums weren't full at all so we could see what we wanted, when we wanted :)
I can tell that Nick is excited to plan for another vacation because he was saying that as soon as we got home, we needed to begin planning for our next vacation, which will include another family member :) Although I had a great time on this vacation, it was a little bittersweet knowing that it really is the last one for just the two of us. This is not to say that I'm not totally excited about having a baby and beginning the family, but I just feel kinda sad knowing that mine and Nick's time alone is coming to an end so quickly. Anyhow, I know that having a family will be great and so that's what I keep reminding myself about on the days I get a little blue :)
As I said, I will post some pictures of our trip probably next week some day that I don't have to work, as I am going to have some lunch and then get ready to head to a (hopefully good) day of work!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
And the Verdict Is In....
Nick and I were talking and he wants to take her fishing, hunting, to play ball, etc. when she gets older :) I have made sure to reassure him that kids are interested in the things they are brought up doing and so that just because we're having a girl doesn't mean she's going to be prissy and not like the outdoors, because with both of us being outdoorsmen, how could she not be! :)
We have tossed around name ideas, and since I'm sure no one ever reads this blog I feel comfortable sharing the ones were debating between. Right now it's between Audrey and Emma. I think we're both leaning towards Emma because it has a distinguished and classic ring to it. For the middle name we are going with Rae because Nick's middle name is Ray (his mom's is Rae), and because I don't think Dawn really sounds good with Audrey or Emma. We still haven't really begun on getting the nursery together yet because we need to take my full bed back to mom and dad's, along with our big corner desk. After that we're going to paint the room a soft yellow and put a border a little above half-way up the wall. For the theme we have decided on a baby animal theme :) I thought it was cute, and plus, it can work with either boys or girls.
Dad and Grandpa Kenny have been working on, and recently finished, making some animal cut-outs to hang on the nursery walls, and they look awesome! Dad cut them out and Grandpa painted them, so of course they turned out amazing :) Nick was talking the other day about being concerned because as he put it "Your dad and grandpa are doing something special for the baby. I'm the Dad and so I want to do something special for her too!" So he's decided we're going to the Build-A-Bear Workshop this weekend and he's going to make a special teddy bear for our baby as her first stuffed animal :) I thought it was a super cute idea and think it will be fun!
I still have more to blog about (DC trip), but am kinda tired, so think I will call this good for tonight and will type again soon!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I'm Alive
I have been feeling pretty good over the past few months. Am noticing my pants getting a little tighter and have to unbutton and unzip my work pants a bit :) I have also discovered the joy of maternity jeans which are amazingly comfortable! I think finding maternity tops that look right on me might be a challenge because I am smaller framed and shorter than most women and so it's going to be a challenge to find shirts that don't look sloppy. Mom has found some cute shirts for me lately and there's one I plan on wearing to my next doctor's appointment on April 2nd when we find out what we're having, because it says Boy ? Girl on the front :) Mom and Dad are coming up to this next appointment because they're both excited to find out what we're having, as are Nick and I :) Nick is still saying girl and I am arguing boy, just for the sake of it!
Lately I have been feeling a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen, and think I may have felt the baby move, but really don't know since this is my first pregnancy! Work has been going fine, except the long days cause my feet and back to hurt; however, I am making some money that will help us out when the baby's born. This week is the first one that I work every day, and so hopefully it goes good!
Last night Nick and I spent the evening re-doing our Washington DC trip itinerary. I can't believe the tripis coming up in about 2 1/2 weeks! We are so excited and are ready to get away and just spend some time with eachother :) It is going to be a busy trip, but I think we have a great plan of attack and can't wait to see all of the monuments, museums, etc. We're also taking a day to visit Gettysburg which should be really neat! This will be the first trip we have gone on together where we get to fly, which should be a lot of fun! Hopefully the weather is good for us :)
I have to head to work in about 30 minutes, so I should probably get ready. I will try to be more diligent in my blogging frequency for anyone who may ever happen across my blog :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Employed Once More :)
I'm not sure if anyone enjoys worrying about money stuff, but last night was the first time I was truely scared. However, I'm just going to work as hard as i can and in the meantime we can think of a plan (maybe using some of our income tax return) and maybe Nick can find another job. This is the first time i have ever really been worried about something and just hope that we can sort it out. Anyhow, the oven just finished preheating so I think I am going to make some fishsticks for lunch :)
Friday, January 15, 2010
Then we got back to see the doctor who talked sooooo fast!!!!! However, she did answer all of our questions and I was really glad that Nick was back there with me because he remembered some stuff that I missed cause I was so focused on getting the questions I had answered. So our next appointment is February 1st at 2 p.m. and I have to do a urinalysis that day which I am dreading more than anything because they have always been hard for me.
Other than the baby stuff that's going on, I have been applying like crazy to nearly everywhere to try and get a job. I have been contacted by two people, but one position was way downtown and the other was only part-time, so it was a no go on both :( I am hoping that I get an interview soon because it is driving me crazy feeling like I'm not contributing to us and not making any money. I am trying my hardest and just don't understand why no one seems interested in me. I'm a hard worker who doesn't complain, gossip, ect, but still...nothing. Sigh. Well, I had better get back to doing the housework. Will write again if/when anything happens.