Monday, May 21, 2012

Late New Year's Resolution

Today I am making a resolution to try and be more patient and caring, especially with Emma.  This past weekend was a rough one for us, and I just want to make myself try harder not to lose my temper, because this little lady is the light of my life, and I never want her to doubt how much I love her!  So, now I expect my readers to hold me to this resolution and ask how it's going occassionally!  :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Back to the Starting Line

Today I emailed the principal of the school where I interviewed twice for a Teacher Assistant job, and he emailed back saying that all but two of the positions have been filled, and those have been offered :(  I am kind of disappointed because I had two interviews, and I thought the first went really well, but not so much on the second.  I just feel like the questions they asked at the second interview were too specific to the teaching profession because I hadn't encountered the situations that they posed me with, and don't feel like I answered those questions very well.  Anyhow, I just have to keep my chin up, keep looking for jobs, and know that God will put me where I am needed most...but that's kind of hard sometimes....

Monday, May 7, 2012

Wonderful Week

Well, this past week in Missouri is truly the best time I have had in quite a while!  Mom and I had a wonderful time garage saling and found all sorts of goodies!  In fact, my Uncle Greg had to meet us at our hotel and take a toddler bed and several other bigger things back to my folks' house so that we would have room for the next day...and it's a good thing he did because we filled the van right back up!  Also, I got to spend some much needed time with my family and grandparents, and it was just nice to be back with them, if only for a week.

This week Emma is still down in Missouri and I'm back in Omaha.  Mom and Dad have been wanting her to stay there for a while now, and so it worked out good this way because they will be coming back here on Saturday so that they can see her be baptised on Sunday :)  It was kind of hard leaving her this time because I feel more attached to her now than I ever have.  However, even though I miss having her to snuggle-bug with, I am trying to enjoy my week to myself and the extra time with Nick!

One thing I am looking forward to this week is going to the Dermatologist.  It might seem silly to some, but could be a big thing for me because I have struggled with facial redness (sometimes severe) for several years, and I'm hoping they can give me something to help with that.  Somedays it literally looks like my head is on the wrong body because my body/neck is so fair, and then you come to my face and it is six shades of red :(  Sometimes it even shows through the makeup I wear, and so it's like there's no relief.  I just want to be able to go out without makeup and have everything look uniform and not weird, like it does now.  Anyhow, enough of that!  How about some photos of our trip to Missouri!?  Enjoy!