Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Big 4

So I normally try to be more timely with these particular posts, but alas, time got away from me and I am 5 days late for my birthday post to Olivia. Not that she can read yet, so it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things :) Yet again we have been blessed with another year with our little lady, for which I am eternally grateful. The longer we know her, the more we can't help but love her and all of her little idiosyncrasies including: laughing at the silliest things, playing make believe with anything and everything (i.e. spoons and books), asking to "nuddle" (snuggle) when she's tired, and so many other cute things. This year in lieu of a lengthy post, I have decided to post some pictures chronicling her life this past year :) Enjoy!