Thursday, September 17, 2009

Updates and Rambling

Okay so maybe i am not as good at keeping up with blogging as I orginally thought I would be :P The past month has been really busy what with work, the puppy, and just life in general! I am still loving my job but just wish Nick and I could spend more time together, but at least we have more time together now than we did before we were married!

So the other day my best friend, Martha, called and told me that her boyfriend proposed to her! They are planning on getting married sometime in November as she is pregnant and is due probably at the beginning of February! I just still can't believe she is going to be a Mom! Makes me think about having kids and starting a family which Nick and I have been discussing lately, and we are thinking that maybe we will start "trying" next year, which is both exciting and nervewracking! I definitely want to have some "couples" time together first, but want to have kids while we still feel young enough to keep up with them!

Anyhow, in the past month I guess I haven't come up with much to blog about! If anyone ever reads this, I apologize for my absence, and will try to be more faithful in blogging!

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