Sunday, July 22, 2012


As you may have gathered from the title, I was offered and accepted a position with Small Miracle Preschool and Child Care!!!  I start tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. and will be starting out in the infant room :)  The director said she's unsure if she'll keep me there or move me to the 2-3 aged room, but I'm just glad to be getting to work there!  Also, even better is the fact that Emma will be able to come with me, and for cheaper than what we would've been paying elsewhere!!!  She will start will me on her birthday, so I think that's pretty great :)  I am just so thankful that God opened this door for me, and hope I won't let him down!


Unknown said...

Grats to you, Nikki!

Nikki Spotanski said...

Thanks Amy! Huge relief for us :)