Sunday, September 9, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

Well, the past few weeks have pretty busy in the Spotanski household!  Three weekends ago Mom and Dad came back for a visit to celebrate Dad's birthday a little late.  We were planning on spending the day at the zoo, but changed our mind and ended up going to the Amazing Pizza Machine, where we all pigged out, played games, and watched Emma ride rides :)  Then Saturday night we watched Jeff Dunham:  Controlled Chaos, which was great!

The weekend of Labor Day we went back to visit everyone in Grand Island and go to the State Fair!  It was a BLAST!!!  I never remember having gone to a state fair, and so this was a new thing for both Emma and myself :)  She had her first pony ride, which she wasn't to fond of at first, but once it started moving (and with some encouragement from Daddy!) she really go into it!  After the pony ride, we explored a petting zoo where some camels, goats, kangaroos, etc followed us around trying to get the food in our little cup!  We also took in a Sea Lion show while we were there and got kissed by Ariel, their star Sea Lion :) 

Then this weekend I had to go for an inservice class for work, which got me the last four hours I needed for the year.  Nick and Emma got to spend some quality time together while I was gone, and they ended up going to the park and playing together.  Last night when the Husker game started, the three of us went to Schramm State Park's archery range to practice shooting our bows so that we are ready for opening day for bow season this coming Saturday!  Emma had a blast carrying around an arrow of mine (no point attached, of course!), running to the target with us to pull our our arrows, and pretending to stick her's in! 

She is at such a fun age right now, and I am absolutely loving it!  She can be strong willed and a handful sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for the world!  It's hard to believe how much things can change in such a short amount of time!  In the past three years I have gotten married, gotten pregnant, had a beautiful baby girl, struggled through some of the toughest months of motherhood, and have watched a fussy baby become an endearing and amazing child, and watched a man become a husband become an amazing father!  Boy, God sure has blessed me, and I can only pray that we continue to earn his blessings!

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