Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week One Down (almost)

My first week officially student teaching is nearly over and I am drained. I am also astounded at how fast the students go through some of the work that I have planned! For instance, today I had planned some stuff that I thought would take a while, but we were done with it in half the time! I'm afraid that I am going to have to overwork myself in order to make sure that we aren't endind up with half of the class period with nothing to do. I just don't know how to do it. Maybe Mrs. Hyatt can provide me with some insight....

Oh, I applied for a job last night. There is a K-12 Sp. Ed position opening with Westside Community School district and I applied last night. Dr. Eicher called and spoke to some director of Special Ed in that school system and gave him my name and told him about me and he said the man seemed very interested, so that's exciting :) I will keep you posted! Hopefully next week goes better than this week!


amy.nicole.chastain said...

That's exciting! You will have to let me know if anything happens. I hope you do well!

What kind of homework are you having the students do? I know that when I was teaching workshop, I had countless activities for the students because I was afraid they would not have anything to do!

Nikki Spotanski said...

Students' homework consists of reading and answering questions over the text. Right now we're doing a unit on nonfiction (not one of my favorites) which is proving hard to find activities for :(